We have heated kennel rooms with access to separate outdoor areas. All dogs are put out in the air yard during the day, stay depends on the weather. In the summer, the dogs are admitted at the hottest time of the day. Because apart from this, they go out twice a day. Then dogs that get along well are placed. All dogs that come to us must be vaccinated. We also offer walking tours which cost extra, but are great for all dogs.
Bring to the kennel:
Certificate of vaccination
Must bring an approved vaccination certificate
Dog food
The type of food that the dog is used to
Bring a blanket that the dog likes
In winter it is nice to have a cover
Our prices and add-on
Vår kennel policy:
Til info så tar vi ikke imot hunder som ikke har gyldig vaksinasjonsbevis, som har aggressiv adferd eller løpetid ( tisper som får løpetid under opphold må belastes for et tillegg på 100,- per dag).
Vi har også kanselerings gebyr ved avbestilling
(50% av oppholdets totale pris) senere enn 7 dager før ankomst, belastes oppholdets totale pris.